What Is The Age Limit For Armed Forces

Today, the United States Armed Forces is comprised of four branches, each with its own age limits. While some of the requirements are more lax than others, every branch has different age limits for joining. The Army’s age limit is 17 years old to join as a recruit or 35 years old to join in … Read more

The Most Prestigious American Military Awards

The U.S. military has many impressive awards available to service members and leaders. These medals, ribbons, stripes, and badges are worn on uniforms or are displayed in office spaces as a means of recognizing specific achievements or milestones reached by individuals or units within the armed forces. These awards have different levels of recognition and … Read more

Can You Have Another Job While In The Military?

When you enter the military, you may have to give up some of your other interests and responsibilities. That being said, it’s entirely possible to keep a job or another part-time activity while in the military. If you can handle it and your job isn’t directly related to your military duties, there are several ways … Read more